Body Test Executive- Offering Reliable Blood Collection

Looking For A Home Visit for Blood Collection in Mumbai?

Healthcare should not be compromised even in this critical time of Coronavirus outbreak. Your health is our only priority and this is why we are coming to your doorstep for a home visit blood collection in Mumbai.

This Body Test home visit blood collection is especially for people who want to get any kind of pathological test or health checkups done without going outside. We know that the Hospitals, Clinics, Nursing homes, Diagnostic centers, and Patho labs are the breeding ground of the Covid-19 Virus; and therefore, visiting these places to get your test done can be dangerous to your health.

Elderly citizens, Infants, Pregnant or lactating mothers, Sick family members, and people with low immunity have a risk of catching the virus. The home visit blood collection in Mumbai is extremely helpful for these people, it is the safest way to ensure that all your health needs are fulfilled. So instead of heading outside, get your blood test or any health checkup done in the convenience of your own home.

Why People are Preferring Home Visits Over Lab Visit for Blood Collection

We are very familiar with the situation of any Pathological lab testing process. At first, you need to visit the lab and get an appointment for your test, you cannot choose a flexible date and time by yourself, there is always a long queue that takes hours to complete, and you end up spending half of your day at the lab just to get a simple test done.

Moreover, visiting a lab in a time of pandemic is nothing but a great risk, the huge gatherings and the congested environment become a threat to your safety. Even if you take all the precautions, there are high chances for you and your close ones to get infected. And what if you have an emergency or urgent test requirement? You probably cannot hurry with them.

This is why more people are preferring Home visits over lab visits because it is where you have the least chance of getting infected. In addition to this, Health checkups at your home are very flexible to timing and date, there is no need for standing in a long queue with hundreds of people or wasting hours to complete the test. So, save your precious time and health, get a blood test at home.

Blood Test at Home

Body Test promises you the Best Quality, Affordability, and Quick service every time you choose a medical test from us. We believe in care and compassion while taking all the safety standards for our customers.
Our purpose is to make everyone feel safe during dangerous times and get all the medical services available at their doorsteps. We are always at the first line to make it easy and reachable for health checkups at your home whenever you need them.

We build trust with our quality assurance and promised results. This is why we have chained with the best diagnostic labs that are National Accreditation Board of Testing and Calibration of Laboratories (NABL) Accredited.

Body Test is trusted by Doctors and other Medical Professionals for proficiency testing and accuracy; we make it quick and easy for any kind of diagnosis, screening, monitoring, or confirmation of disease.

To make it affordable for people, we have set a lesser cost rate for any kind of blood test, compared to the well-known testing laboratories that offer home visit blood collection in Mumbai.