Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamine) Test

What is Vitamin B12 blood test?

For optimal health, vitamin B12 is essential. To produce enough red blood cells and maintain the health of your neurological system, your body needs consistent quantities of this nutrient. Low B12 levels are generally uncommon in adults who consume a balanced diet. But there are causes for why they can go below average. Your levels can be determined by a quick blood test to determine if they are healthy, low, or in the middle.

Red blood cell decrease brought on by a vitamin B12 deficiency is known as pernicious anemia or megaloblastic anemia. For the diagnosis of macrocytic anemia, megaloblastic anemia, and pernicious anemia, a vitamin B12 test is recommended.

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Why is the Vitamin B12 test done?

If you have: Your doctor could advise a B-12 test.

  • prickling in the feet and hands
  • difficulties with balancing
  • a pounding heart uncertainty
  • dementia weakness
  • reduced appetite

If your doctor thinks you might have pernicious anemia, you can also get this test. Red blood cell count is decreased in pernicious anemia. It happens when your intestines are unable to absorb vitamin B-12, which is required for the creation of red blood cells. Symptoms are uncommon in adults under the age of 30. The typical diagnosis age is 60.

The following are signs of this condition:

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite  
  • Either diarrhoea or constipation
  • Pale complexion 
  • An angry red tongue
  • Bleeding gums

Who needs a Vitamin B12 test?

  • Vitamin B-12 isn’t something your body naturally makes. Fish, meat, and dairy are examples of items made from animals. Those at risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency include: 
    • Older persons
    • Kids
    • Vegans
    • Vegetarians.
    • Devoted vegetarians
    • Those who have undergone gastric bypass surgery those who have diabetes

    If breastfeeding new mothers exhibit symptoms or fall into the aforementioned at-risk category, they may want to get their vitamin B-12 levels checked. According to Harvard Health Publications, a breastfeeding mother’s infant is more likely to experience brain damage and developmental issues if her B-12 levels are low.

    Your body’s capacity to absorb B-12 may also be impacted by certain disorders. Consult your physician if you have:

    • Corrosive anemia
    • When your body’s immune system reacts to gluten, it damages the lining of your intestines, resulting in celiac disease.
    • An inflammatory illness called Crohn’s disease results in ongoing inflammation of the digestive system.
    • Atrophic gastritis, is a disorder that causes the stomach lining to contract and reduces the amount of acid produced.  

    The following medications may also have an impact on the body’s vitamin B-12 levels:

    • Chloromycetin or chloramphenicol
    • Prilosec and Prevacid are examples of proton pump inhibitors.
    • H2 receptor blockers, including Zantac 360, Pepcid, and Tagamet
    • Diabetes medication metformin