Lipid/Heart Profile Test

What is Lipid/Heart Profile blood test?

Lipoprotein panels measure how much certain fat molecules, or lipids, are present in your blood. The panel typically includes a test of your triglycerides as well as four separate cholesterol measures.

High blood lipid levels (cholesterol and triglycerides) can produce accumulation in your arteries and blood vessels, which can harm them and raise your risk of cardiovascular issues. As a result, healthcare professionals utilise lipid panels for both adults and children to assess the risk of cardiovascular disorders such as heart disease, myocardial infarction (heart attack), and stroke.

An additional name for a lipid panel is:

  • Lipid profile.
  • An analysis of fasting and non-fasting lipids.
  • Cholesterol panel.
  • Lipid test.
  • Coronary risk panel.

Note: Service available only in Mumbai, India

Why is the Lipid Profile Test done for?

You might require a blood test for a lipid panel for a number of reasons. Lipid panels are frequently used by healthcare professionals as screening and monitoring tools.

Your doctor may advise routine screening with a lipid panel if you have one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease in an effort to detect increased cholesterol levels before you have symptoms. cardiovascular disease risk factors include:

  • Being above the age of 50 if you’re a woman or you were designated to be a woman at birth, and over 45 if you’re a man.
  • Having elevated cholesterol reading from a prior test.
  • Smoking cigarette.
  • Being overweight
  • Not engaging in adequate exercise.
  • An elevated blood pressure (hypertension).
  • Diabetes or prediabetes diagnosis.
  • Family members with early-onset heart disease, such as parents or siblings (younger than 55 years old for males and younger than 65 years old for females).

Your child could require a lipid panel blood test because children can also have elevated cholesterol. Children’s cholesterol levels are influenced by three things: nutrition, obesity, and inheritance. The majority of the time, children with high cholesterol also have high cholesterol in their parents.