Blood Sugar Post Prandial Test

What is Post Prandial Sugar?

This is a blood test used to detect diabetes. Having diabetes results in inadequate insulin production by your body, which causes your blood sugar to rise. A high blood sugar level can damage your heart, nerves, kidneys, and eyes over time, resulting in serious health problems.

The term postprandial refers to the time after a meal. You will perform this test after eating a meal to determine how your body reacts to sugar and starch. You experience sharp increases in blood glucose levels as your stomach digests your food. In reaction, your pancreas secretes insulin to help these sugars flow from the blood into the cells of muscles and other tissues for use as fuel. Within 2 hours of eating, your insulin and blood glucose levels should return to normal.. Diabetes may be present if your blood glucose levels remain elevated.

Note: Service available only in Mumbai, India

Why is the Post Prandial Sugar test done?

If you have symptoms of insulin-related disorders, such as diabetes, your healthcare provider may recommend this test:

  • Urine severity
  • Strange thirst
  • Vision distortion
  • Tiredness
  • Infections that reoccur
  • Slowly healing wounds

This test may be used to screen for gestational diabetes if you are pregnant. Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy is known as gestational diabetes. Treating gestational diabetes lowers your and your baby’s risk of health problems.

Who needs a Post Prandial Sugar test?

The frequency with which you should test PPG is determined by you and your blood sugar control goals. The testing regimen and target goals should be determined in collaboration with your healthcare team. Certain people, according to the ADA, should have their PPG and blood sugar levels checked more frequently, including:

  • Those with gestational diabetes who are pregnant
  • Diabetic pregnant women who experiment with new insulin or a new dose of insulin during pregnancy
  • People with difficult-to-control diabetes People who have a history of high blood sugar after eating
  • People who take several medications and are at risk of having high or low blood sugar levels